» » Official launch of our new site !!!

Official launch of our new site !!!


That's it ! Here we are ! A new, beautiful, professional site... since we've been talking to you about it !
It was a lot of work because we are demanding. Hence the delay ;)

So welcome, it is also and above all your site after all. Take a walk, discover its features.
You will normally find a much more complete site, with more interactivity and options.
Do not hesitate to give us feedback. Positives: it’s always nice. And negative or rather constructive:
Everything can be improved. There will be a running-in period in the end, to see if everything is well thought out, calibrated, carried out...

And then sharing, sharing, sharing, we're counting on you :)))

You get 10 gift points when you create your account and 20 if you refer a friend.
With in return, vouchers every 500 or 1000 points !

Not forgetting the 10% gift on your first order with the code “WLCM CHKNR”
The final word, or the beginning, remains this: Welcome !